Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Anti- Social Behaviour or Criminal Act

The term anti-social behaviour is different things to different people. Perceptions that a group of young people on a street corner can be interpreted as just that, or a group of youngster's up to no good. Assessment of these situations is difficult and often the police are called to make a judgement on the information supplied. The thing for us is when does anti social behaviour become a criminal act.

We have been contacted several times in relation to what at first seems like ASB but on refection we thing is a criminal act, That is the throwing of objects at moving vehicles, Stones, eggs and (Snowballs during winter months)These incidents are putting lives at risk, not only to the drivers and their passengers but also innocent members of the community.

The latest incident was last night (9.30pm Tuesday 6Th April)on the Eastern transport corridor. A vehicle travelling towards the town centre was hit by several stones thrown by group of young people. The shock of the stones hitting the windscreen meant the driver braked hard, fortunately modern abs braking and experience meant the vehicle was stopped without incident. However a cracked windscreen and several marks and dents to the bodywork were the result of the stone throwing. The young people were seen running away and the police were called.

This incident will be recorded but as what Anti social behaviour,criminal damage, reckless endangerment or something else. the fact is the end result of this mindless act could have had a far more serious outcome. The difficulty is catching those responsible.

Monday, 5 April 2010

spooky sunset

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I took this photo a couple of weeks ago. I was facinated by the strange cloud formation.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Actionable potholes

Re- earlier post on potholes.

Potholes in excess of 40mm deep are what we call an actionable defect as this is the level at which the courts see a pothole may become dangerous to road users. There are other factors which are taken in to account, such as position in the carriageway, traffic speed and traffic flows.

When marking out for safety inspections the inspectors do make a judgement on what is likely to become dangerous but this is made at the time of the inspections and potholes can develop after the inspections have taken place. The personnel carrying out the works usually highlight further areas which have not been included in the original order and make them safe.